
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Short of Vacation Money? It!

Think of this: What if you can earn cash while travelling? Wouldn't that be great? You love to travel but run out of cash because you weren't able to save enough for it? I have the same problems. My family and I love to travel. In fact, this summer I'm already starting to think where we should go.

Luckily, as I have it in my Business Bee blog, I've found out about paid blogging. I started to blog for money this year and so far I've earned a little amount to at least pay for one local trip. That's not bad. But the websites I've joined in do not regularly supply me with jobs to do so I sometimes have so much to do and at other times I am empty handed. At I've been given some tasks and get paid for blogging. That's because Smorty creates a win-win situation for both bloggers and advertisers - for the blogger, like me, I get paid to write. For the advertisers, they get a review about their blog and they also get a link back to their site eventually giving them a boost in their pagerank. This way, I'll have a steady supply of cash even when on vacation - I get paid to blog while I write about the place where I'm at. Exciting!

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